Posts tagged 'Humidity'

Frog Sitting Between Lily Pads - List Image
3 min read

Creating a Naturalistic Bioactive Terrarium for Your Reptile Companion

Designing a bioactive terrarium for your reptile can provide a stimulating and enriching environment that mimics their natural habitat. Let's delve into the essential components and steps required to build a thriving naturalistic bioactive terrarium for your scaly friend.
Lizard on Plant With Water Drops - List Image
3 min read

The Importance of Monitoring Reptile Humidity During Winter

As winter sets in and furnaces kick into high gear, it's important for reptile owners to pay special attention to the humidity levels in their pets' enclosures.
Snake with its shed - List Image
3 min read

Understanding Reptile Shedding: A Guide for Reptile Keepers

Reptiles are fascinating creatures that undergo the natural process of shedding their skin. Shedding is an essential part of their growth and overall health. As reptile keepers, it is crucial to understand why reptiles shed and how we can assist them in this process. 
4 Best Species for Beginners - List Image
3 min read

Top 4 Snakes for Beginners

If you’re just starting out in the hobby, Show Me Reptiles recommends the following 4 snakes for beginners. Some key factors to keep in mind are that snakes have many different genetic morphs. These affect the size, pattern, shape, and color of snakes. Different types of snakes also require different enclosures, as well as different types of substrate.