Animal of the Month: Crested Gecko

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Animal of the Month: Crested Gecko

Crested geckos are fascinating creatures that make wonderful pet reptiles for a variety of reasons. Here are some fun facts about crested geckos and why they are great pets:


  1. Crested geckos, also known as eyelash geckos, are native to New Caledonia and were once thought to be extinct until they were rediscovered in the wild in the mid-1990s. Their distinctive crests and prehensile tails make them captivating to observe and care for.


  1. These geckos are considered ideal for beginner reptile enthusiasts due to their low maintenance requirements. They are relatively small in size, usually reaching 7 to 9 inches in length, making them easy to care for in a modest enclosure.


  1. One of the most unique features of crested geckos is their ability to regenerate their tails. If a gecko loses its tail due to stress or injury, it has the remarkable ability to regrow a new one. This adaptation can be quite captivating to witness.


  1. Crested geckos are arboreal, meaning they spend most of their time in trees and are excellent climbers. Providing them with a vertically oriented terrarium with branches and foliage allows them to exhibit their natural behavior and thrive in captivity.


  1. In addition to their charming appearance and gentle demeanor, crested geckos are known for their vocalizations. They produce distinct chirping or barking sounds, especially during breeding season, which adds a unique element to their appeal as pets.


  1. Another benefit of keeping crested geckos as pets is their omnivorous diet. They consume a combination of insects, fruit, and commercially prepared diets, making it convenient for owners to provide them with a varied and balanced nutrition.


  1. Crested geckos are also known for their long lifespan in captivity, often living for 15 to 20 years when properly cared for. This longevity provides the opportunity for a strong bond to develop between pet and owner over the years.


Overall, crested geckos make fantastic pet reptiles due to their captivating characteristics, low maintenance requirements, and long lifespan. Their unique behaviors and charming personalities make them a delightful addition to any reptile enthusiast's home. Whether you are a seasoned reptile keeper or new to the hobby, crested geckos offer a rewarding and enjoyable pet ownership experience.