Vendor Spotlight: AO Geckos

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Vendor Spotlight: AO Geckos

For our January Vendor Spotlight we were able to talk with Chris Crews from AO Geckos. This is another great example of someone who falls in love with the hobby and takes it to the next level by starting a business. Chris started with one gargoyle gecko as a pet and it just grew from there. AO Geckos now has a variety of animals and supplies, such as gargoyle, crested leachianus, chahoua, and eurydactylodes geckos, reptile enclosures, and gecko food.

The Largest Gecko Producer in Arkansas


Chris is the largest Gecko producer in Arkansas, and has really spent the last few years nurturing the reptile hobby and his business. He is thankful for the opportunity to be able to educate people about geckos, and specifically the New Calendonian Gecko. If you would like to learn more, or even just chat with Chris, you can find him at the upcoming Jacksonville, Arkansas show in February. If you can't make it to the show and are intersted in learning more about Chris and his geckos, you can find him on his social media.