Sponsor Spotlight - Reptile Collective

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Sponsor Spotlight - Reptile Collective

Steve Beamer has been fascinated with reptiles since he was a child. His father ignited this passion by catching snakes, turtles, and lizards, then setting them up in tanks in his room. When Steve was 13, he was able to captive breed his first snakes and lizards. By the time he was 15, he got his first job at a reptile import/export business. With encouragement from his father and his success as a young child, Steve merged his first venture Primeval-Beauty into Reptile Collective, eventually buying out the other partners. 

Collaborting with Top Breeders

Reptile Collective offers a variety of different animals. They partner with other top breeders in the industry, as well as produce animals in their facility in Smyrna, Tennessee. They currently have ball pythons, Angolan pythons, Bismarck ringed pythons, corn snakes, milk snakes, pine snakes, northern water snakes, North American rat snakes, Kenyan sand boas, Dumeril’s boas, and hognose snakes. Other members of the Reptile Collective are also working with short tailed and blood pythons and morphs, as well as BCI boas and morphs.

The Famous Ball Python Skittles

Reptile Collective is also the home of Skittles the ball python. She is a Silver Streak Albino Piebald Paradox with one pink and one black eye. 

If you’re interested in getting to check out some of their impressive collections in person, you can catch them at all of the Nashville and Murfreesboro shows, as well as any show that they have the extra time for! They typically stay close to their home in Nashville, TN. If you aren’t able to make it to one of their shows, you can visit their website, or check out their social media.