Libertyland Axolotl Rescue

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Libertyland Axolotl Rescue

We are a small, Rhode Island-based volunteer organization dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of axolotls. While extremely rewarding, keeping an axolotl happy and healthy can be more expensive and time-consuming than some owners realize, and there is a lot of information out there to parse through to determine what's best for your axie(s). When an owner finds that they can no longer care for their axolotl(s), or when they wind up with an unplanned clutch of axolotl eggs, LibertyLand is there to help find them their forever homes. Each axolotl we rescue is evaluated, treated or rehabilitated as needed, and then adopted out to a their new forever family. We are also dedicated to educating the public about proper axolotl care, and work hard to combat the widespread misinformation available about raising these amazing creatures.

As a rescue, we encourage anyone who is having issues with their axolotl(s) to reach out to us directly, especially those who adopt from us. We are here to help guide owners on the best courses of action in the event that their axolotl becomes ill or they can no longer care for them. In most cases, we will accept the axolotl back for treatment or additional rehab if needed.

We accept cash, Venmo and PayPal payments for adoption fees and merchandise.

We currently do not offer payment plans. Our adoption fees usually range between $60-80 dollars, and this money is used for the ongoing care of other axolotls waiting for their forever homes, including food and any medical treatment they may need.

We offer shipping in the continental United States. We currently offer $40 priority shipping.

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